The primary purpose of our 3-4 blended is to offer students additional time to become confident learners. In all areas of learning we will have fun and learn through play!! What does this mean for my child? Students will become active learners in the following areas: Phonological Awareness – understanding that oral language can be broken into the following components: Sentences into words Words into syllables Words into on-set rime Words into phonemes Literacy – understanding that written language includes the following components: Writing moves across the page from left to right Lines become shapes to become letters Letters become words There are spaces between words in a sentence Reading for enjoyment and learning Math – understanding the purpose of mathematical concepts in our world to include the following components: Beginning to develop an understanding of numbers and explore mathematical processes using concrete materials Exploring simple measuring and graphing Introduction to numerical sentencing Science – understanding and developing a positive attitude about science through observation and active play to include the following components: Participating in simple investigations Understand the difference between living and non-living things Beginning awareness of scientific knowledge related to the Earth